Industry Insights

Four Pillars of Advice: Is Well-Being the Next Frontier?

Written by IA Solutions | March 10, 2022

We each have a reason for choosing this career. For some, it’s the desire to help people live better financial lives. For others, it’s building a business to support their family. And for you, it could be something wholly unique. Each adviser has their own “why” that drives the passion of what they do. No matter what motivates you to come to work every day, we believe you should work for a firm that supports you. The firm you choose: its primary business model, compensation plan, and support resources should empower your business so that you and your clients can thrive.


At IA solutions, advisers can build their practice supported by our Four Pillars of Advice. Each pillar provides customized solutions to help clients live their best life. While most firms offer financial planning and investment management, our mission is to expand the definition of advice to include assistance in both wellness and lifestyle – a product offering that gives clients access to resources that can help them make better decision on how to spend their money and improve their overall wellness as they transition through the various phases of life.

Well-being is at the center of the five dimensions of health: financial, physical, social, personal, and emotional. As advisers, the primary focus has traditionally been on the financial dimension. By expanding our focus to include aspects of all five dimensions, we believe we can help our clients achieve better success in all areas of life. What does this look like in action? We strive to engage our clients and push the boundaries of advice. Wherever they are in their journey - be it buying a car, planning for retirement, buying a second home, saving for education, or transitioning to enhanced care - we continue to work to gather a deep bench of resources to assist.

IA Solutions is an impact-oriented organization designed to help financial professionals re-define their relationship with both client and firm. We believe that the key to better advice is providing a more flexible and supportive environment for the financial professionals we serve. In addition to the expanded advice, our platform includes the public relations, marketing, and advertising resources to help grow your book to optimum size.

In pursuit of our mission to “curate well-being”, we recognize that great advice is a journey, not a destination. As an organization, we will continue to improve upon and refine the Four Pillars of Advice as we strive to help our clients and advisers pursue their passion for investment and live their best lives.